Achieving Member Growth & Leadership Excellence

Happy New Year Fellow Toastmasters!

Happy New Year! Another new year begins in Toastmasters. A new year to set new goals and reach them! A special THANK YOU to all of the club and district officers for your service last year. While last year was still challenging due to the pandemic, we moved the needle in the right direction. Congratulations on completing a record number of Pathways awards and growing your club membership last year. I am honored to serve the members of District 6 for another year as your District Director. Let’s work together to achieve member growth and leadership excellence this year. I have some opportunities for you:

STEP UP INTO LEADERSHIP:  Everyone is a leader and needs to have sharp leadership skills whether it be leading yourself every day, a team at work, or elsewhere. Step outside of your club and become an Area Director where you will learn and grow as a leader and a communicator. This is the best role in the district! Why? You get to meet fellow Toastmasters, build relationships and trust while building leadership and communicator skills, and make a difference. I was an Area Director many years ago and will do this role again in a heartbeat! For a detailed description of the Area Director’s responsibilities and application please click here.

Step up now! There are many Area Director openings in Division A (formerly B), Division C, Division D, and Division E.

TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING:  The Annual Business meeting will be held on August 19th in Nashville, Tennessee with concurrent online participation available for remote voting delegates. Your club must designate a proxy holder to cast the club’s votes. The proxy holder may be a member of your club or another Toastmasters member/District Director. Your Club President or Secretary should log in to the TI website to designate your club’s proxy holder. Proxy holders are required to vote in the manner a club designates. If a voting preference is not designated, the proxy holder should vote in the best interest of their club and Toastmasters International. If you plan on being the proxy holder become familiar with the candidates and the proposed amendments. All information is on the Toastmasters International website. Key dates: Proxy assignment will close on August 12, 2022. The online credentials process will be conducted from August 13-16, 2022. Voting will take place, both onsite and online during the Annual Business meeting on August 19, 2022. More information on club proxy assignment has been emailed to Club Presidents and Secretaries in July from Toastmasters International.

I am looking forward to working with all of you to make this District 6’s best year ever where we are Achieving Member Growth & Leadership Excellence! My ask of you: set your goals and reach them! Continue to grow as a communicator by learning in Pathways, and giving speeches. Grow as a leader by serving outside of your club as an Area Director. Please let me know how I can help you with your Toastmaster’s journey!

With Gratitude,



Deb Luu

Deborah Luu, DTM
2022-23 D6 District Director