Youth Leadership Program

The Youth Leadership program is a workshop consisting of eight one-to two-hour sessions that enable young people under the age of 18 to develop their communication and leadership skills through practical experience. The program is presented during or after school, or on weekends.

In the workshop, young people learn valuable skills including:

    • Evaluating their own speaking ability
    • Preparing and giving speeches
    • Giving impromptu talks
    • Controlling their voice, vocabulary and gestures
    • Giving constructive feedback and more


How the program works

Participants in the Youth Leadership Program are selected by a sponsoring Toastmasters club or by a cooperating organization (such as a school). The workshops are structured for small group learning and are limited to 25 students. They are presented by a coordinator who attends each meeting. meetings generally follow a format similar to that of a Toastmasters club meeting, with an announced agenda that include practice in parliamentary procedure, prepared and impromptu speeches and the selection of presiding officers.

Want to be a coordinator?

Read the Youth Leadership Program Workbook and Youth Leadership Coordinator’s Guide to learn more. Find an icon below to fill out a form to request for a YLP packet that includes both the workbook and the coordinator’s guide.

Youth Leadership Program (YLP) Packet Request Form

Looking for a Youth Leadership Program (YLP) Packet that includes the Workbook along with the Coordinator's Guide. Click on the icon above to fill out and submit a YLP Packet Request Form.

Youth Leadership Program (YLP) Completion Form

Have you successfully hosted a Youth Leadership Program (YLP) in District 6? We would like to hear from you. Please take a moment to share with us some insight from your recent YLP experience.