Bringing People Together​

The aim of the Public Relations Manager is to increase awareness of Toastmasters in media channels that are available. Much of that communication centers on upcoming events and member achievements. Put differently, however, I think what we are aiming for is to capture the voice of the diverse members sharing their talents to District 6. We learn what it is that drives them in Toastmasters, the lessons they learn, and the message they have to each of us as batons are passed from one to the next. 

I reached out to Gokul Muralidharan, an Area Director serving in Division M this year. Of all of leadership positions in District 6, perhaps no other role gets mentioned by veteran leaders than that of the Area Director. Indeed, it is this individual who becomes the window to all of our clubs back to the District. Throughout the year they pay visits to the clubs in their areas, sit back and enjoy the speeches, get invited to participate in Table Topics, and later provide suggestions to the club officers. On top of that, the Area Directors make Club Officer Training and our spring speech contests happen. Gokul and I spoke at length in June last year when I handed off my Area Director role to him. With that in mind, I wondered this week how it all went? 

Gokul started off by saying that he stepped forward after receiving encouragement from other District leaders. He had not initially considered becoming an AD but was invited by other veteran leaders, such as Amit Maheshwari, the outgoing Division M Director. Connecting with Amit and others helped him better understand what was involved. “I was motivated by the exposure I would gain to other clubs and the opportunity to make a difference in an Area,” Gokul pointed out. 

I wondered about some of the takeaways of his experience. “It added to my ability to plan ahead, to remain calm and composed, and become a master at conflict resolution. I have been able to apply all of these skills to my career. Speech contests were an example of something I learned on the job, becoming adept at all that was involved. Above all, you need to be flexible and willing to try doing things differently. We are all learning.”

I ended with a question that I have asked throughout my Coffee with Chuck podcasts: What is your message to others on the fence with an Area Director role?

“If you are looking to be a person that can serve as a liaison with the clubs, this is the perfect opportunity. You can make a real difference, bringing people together.”

About the Author:



Chuck Brunnette, DTM is the District 6 Public Relations Manager for the Toastmasters Program year 2020 – 2021. He is also the President of Mall Talkers Toastmasters Club at US Bank.