Club Spotlight! Dan Patch Toastmasters

Back in March of 1954, some businessmen decided to form a club and named it Dan Patch Toastmasters after the early 1900’s champion race horse. Today, the club is a successful mix of men & women from all walks of life who share one common goal: to improve their public speaking skills.

In March of 2020, the club successfully transitioned to online meetings. Instead of taking a hiatus, they chose to add more skills to their public speaking repertoire. They lost a few members who didn’t like being online but after a few weeks of “Can you hear me now” Verizon imitations, they mastered the technique of muting. The club continued to flourish, maintaining a roster of 22-26 and a weekly attendance of 16-17 members for the next two years.


Dan Patch consists of a variety of ages ranging from 20- to 80-somethings. Many members are retired and attend for personal enrichment. Quite a few assert that this is the best environment for honing verbal skills critical to their careers. However, just about everyone agrees that part of what keeps them returning each week is the comradery, friendship, and fun. What’s better than learning without realizing it because you’re having fun, and all of it’s happening in a confidential and safe setting? “We trust each other.” Where else can you go where you are reassured that you cannot fail?


Quite a few members have competed at the Division level, yet they take time for debate, backwards, grab-bag, hecklers, holiday, and picnic meetings. This year, two members celebrated 50 years in Dan Patch Toastmasters. The club makes time to hold a 6-week Speechcraft session. They have a member from a New Zealand club. The two clubs have held 3 joint meetings and hope to do it again this spring, especially if they return to in-person meetings.


The highlight of the meetings is receiving the 9 traveling awards presented at the end of meetings, such as Most Improved Speaker, Spark Plug, Humor, and Best Evaluator. These contribute to keeping the meetings fun, but at the same time motivate members to do their best. Each year they devote one meeting to recognize members’ accomplishments culminating with the Dan Patch Toastmaster of the Year.

We are not an advanced club. We do not want to be. As one member said, it’s rewarding to help new Toastmasters discover the public speaking skills they didn’t know they had. Additionally, encouraging them to take charge of special event meetings allows them to realize they have leadership potential, too. The club leaves room for those who attend just for the fun of it. At least, it’s assumed that’s why those members keep coming back.

Members have said, “I haven’t gone home from a meeting where I haven’t laughed.” It has almost become the Dan Patch Toastmasters slogan. They maintain a club culture that has been historically successful: variety, recognition, respect, safety, and of course, fun. Yes, public speaking can be fun!

Dan Patch Club #1280 is an Open Club

Meeting Wednesdays at 6:15 PM