Contest Time in Toastmasters

A Message from the District 6 Chief Judge …

It is contest time in Toastmasters. Are you ready? Set. Go! I’m sure there are some clubs who are ready for their club contest and some are in the planning stages. Then there are also some clubs that are thinking maybe this year we will have a contest. For those clubs, reach out to your District leaders for help on having a “mock” contest or appointing a member of the club to be a contestant at the Area Contest. As your Chief Judge for District 6, I will share some tips for a successful contest.

Who could be the Toastmaster? At the club level, it is usually the Vice President of Education, but anyone can step forward. At the Area and Division contests, it could be one of the club members. Perhaps the Toastmaster would be someone who may have expressed interest in stretching the boundaries of their leadership experience.

Who should be the Chief Judge at the Area and Division level? This needs to be an experienced Toastmaster who knows the rules for a contest. Look to the past district leaders in the area or division for helping in this role.

Other tips: Read the Contest Rulebook, which is available for free on the Toastmasters International website and the District website: Speech Contest Rulebook. Each year there are changes in the rulebook which are highlighted by a mark (¨) in the left margin.  Some of the changes are minor, such as capitalization, a comma added or removed, but there are also major changes noted. Two of the major changes which affect clubs are the ruling in the Speech Subject and Preparation, and in the General Procedure sections. See Rulebook Changes.

The websites for both District 6 and Toastmasters International are both excellent sources of information to help your club have a fantastic contest! Helpful Contest Tutorials are found in Leadership Central on International. The newly-developed District 6 site has pulled together these and many resources from both websites under the Events Tab/Speech Contests.

Scroll down to view all items on the page and be led to wonderful tools. You will find a Speech Contest Checklist and Agenda Template. There are Briefing Scripts for the Chief Judge and Contest Chair (Toastmaster) to follow, writable Ballots and all the necessary forms for the contests. There is even a Zoom Breakout Rooms video, as well as a Speech Contests FAQ page.

Finally, to have a good contest it really does take lots of help. Do reach out to your District leaders – Chief Judge (That’s me!), past and current Area Directors, Division Directors and District Directors. Post on the District 6 Facebook page, contact other Toastmasters clubs and Toastmasters friends, regardless of what district they are currently in or the state/country. 

We are now in a virtual world which offers unique opportunities! Any Toastmaster in good standing is eligible to help at a contest or add to your audience! Invite friends and family to the contest! Are you aware that contest attendance is a proven way to interest new guests in Toastmasters?

Remember that I have offered to assist. Good luck with your contest and have fun!

About the Author:

Mary Adams, DTM is the District 6 Chief Judge for the Toastmasters Program year 2020 – 2021.