Earning the Distinguished Toastmasters Award

It was this time last year that I earned my Distinguished Toastmaster Award. I remember the relief I felt that I finally completed all of the requirements and the excitement for everything that I accomplished through the years. I also remember finally being able to open up my first path in Pathways and focus on my next Distinguished Toastmaster Award. 

Throughout this year I have received a lot of questions around what it takes to earn the Distinguished Toastmaster Award in the new program and how to track your progress. I have set up a special Rock Your Path session just for this: https://d6tm.org/pathways/. I will do a recorded session for the first half to help you see what it takes to achieve this award and then the second half will be a group discussion during which you can share successes, challenges and questions with the group. We have had an amazing group of people join us for our 6-part series. I’m excited to see you at our last session!

About the Author:

Jamie Richter, DTM is the District 6 Finance Manager as well as the Pathways Chair for Toastmasters Program year 2020 – 2021. She is also serving as the Sergeant At Arms for Gopher Toastmasters Club.