
Fellow Toastmasters:

As we are in the midst of the 2021 Holiday Season, I hope you are able to spend time with your family. I recently visited my son in Nampa, Idaho the week before Thanksgiving. I will be visiting my brother in Newnan, Georgia next week. On Thanksgiving most of the rest of my family and I spent time together in Minnesota and are planning to do the same in December. However, there were a few very important family members missing and it wasn’t quite the same without them. Friends that we have laughed and cried with, that we have formed a strong bond with, that we consider family. Today, family can mean many different things. It’s not just the traditional family (your blood relatives and their families). I have many families: my traditional family; my CrossFit family; my Toastmasters family and others with whom I have bonded a close relationship. These are all my families. We care about each other. We take care of each other. We boost each other up. We make sure everyone is thriving, reaching their goals. At CrossFit we sweat together pushing our bodies to do what we thought was impossible. We cheer for each other. We are family. In Toastmasters we get to know each other through the speeches we give about our lives, our families, our hobbies and more. I look forward to attending Toastmasters meetings knowing that my family will be there to support me. The first thing I notice when I am giving a speech are smiles on everyone’s faces. They are listening to what I have to say, they are supporting me. Please take a moment to think about your Toastmasters family not only during this time of year but throughout the year. Care about them, take care of them, boost them up, spend time with them. Include Toastmasters as a special family that supports you for who you are, for your diversity, for being a unique individual. We may have different goals and different whys but we all work together to make sure everyone is reaching their full potential. The transformation of a new member to be a better communicator and leader is due to the support from mentors and club members. Thank you all for the support and care you show each other. Please let me know how I can be of service to you and your club. 

I hope I will see you at the District 6 Holiday Party on December 11th from 5:30-8:00 PM at Hope Church Gymnasium in Apple Valley. This is not just for district leaders. This is for all District 6 Toastmasters. Please register on the District 6 calendar Eventbrite at Holiday Party RSVP. Featured will be a White Elephant Gift Exchange (bring a gift that you want to regift or a gift that costs no more than $10), potluck, games and social hour. I heard Santa might even be there! It doesn’t get much better than that. 

Wishing you Happy Holidays! 

With Gratitude,


Deb Luu

Deb Luu, DTM

2021-2022 District 6 Director