Keep Moving Forward

Imagine you are in a relay race. A race that has been going on for quite some time, where you were handed the baton in the beginning of the Toastmasters Year 2020 – 2021. It was July 1st of 2020 when you got the baton from your predecessor and you grabbed it and started running. You had the energy to run as fast as you could and the momentum to do the best you could.

You have been participating in the race for the last eleven months and now you’re in your final month as you get ready to hand over the baton to your successor. You may be a Toastmaster District Leader, a District Officer, a Club Officer and most definitely a member; any position you were in the beginning – is behind you. You have moved on from where you were back then to where you are now. During the move you have definitely learned quite a bit. You have been running nonstop in your own development towards being a better communicator and a better leader. You have seen your fellow Toastmasters grow along the way, too. You have been involved in evaluations, contests and training. You have witnessed a lot.

In a relay race, we take turns by handing over the baton to our successor so we have the momentum going, the energy and strength to win. The time has come to hand over the baton by sharing what we have learned all along and providing that knowledge and experience to the next generation of leaders. Share what you have learned with an open heart and treasure these best moments. Trust in them and let them run their course like you did yours. Share the opportunity and be there to support. We want to keep the spark of positivity going for the good of all of us, as we can only win a relay together. United we are stronger.

Let’s relate. For District Leaders and District Officers, you’ve already connected with your predecessors and successors. Thank you for doing so. For club officers and club members; if you haven’t already, please do connect with one another to make sure the knowledge of transfer is as smooth as possible. Of course, situations may come up; and that is where we apply all we have learned in Toastmasters. Hand over the baton to inspire the next leader who is going to fill the role and grow this coming Toastmasters year. I want to thank you for participating in this round of your relay and wish you all the best in the next round! Keep moving forward – Working Together – Celebrating Excellence.

About the Author:

Susan Rajbhandari, DTM is the District 6 Director for the Toastmasters Program year 2020 – 2021. He likes to stay positive and share the message of positivity to influence and inspire individuals to be the best they can be and even more.