Mid-Year Check-In

How are you doing on your goals? Now is the time to check in on your personal Toastmaster goals, Club goals and professional goals. Are you on track? Are there actions that you can take to get on track? Perhaps you need to adjust your goals, or maybe even create your goals.

The Toastmaster year ends June 30th. Now is the time to look at how you have been doing and adjust to have a successful end of the year. District 6 is here to support you and your club! Reach out to your Area or Division Director if you need help. You can also reach out to me and I will help you find the resources that you need to reach your goals and succeed.

Contest season is here! If your club hasn’t had a contest, I highly recommend that you have one. The club is where the competition starts and with the International Speech Contest, it goes all the way to the top of Toastmasters International with the final competitions in August. It is possible that you or one of your club members could compete at that level. You will never know unless you try! The clubs can choose their contestants in any way that they see fit. If your club doesn’t have a formal contest, you can still be selected to compete at the Area contest and maybe move up from there.

We are looking forward to our District Contest and Conference on April 26th and 27th.
We will have our District Table Topics Contest on Friday, April 26th and the International Speech Contest on the evening of April 27th. We will also have a keynote presentation by Toastmaster International 1st Vice President Aletta Rochat, DTM; C&L award presentation, Educational sessions, and Toastmaster Got Talent. Registration is open. Sign up to join us.

Now is the time to think about serving as a Club or District officer. Many of you are already serving in a role at the club or District level. Are you learning and growing in your position? What is possible for you next year? Have you served as a Club President? Consider applying to be an Area Director. Look at your club members, who is ready to serve in a club office? You can mentor them. Toastmasters provides experience in leadership that can be applied to your job and community. I hope that you will jump in!

Remember that the District 6 website is a great resource for you and your clubs. We keep it updated with many District events. Check it out at D6tm.org.

Dave Schaal, DTM

2023-2024 Program Quality Director