October is Toastmasters Month

October is celebrated worldwide as Toastmasters month. Toastmasters was founded October 22, 1925 – 97 years ago! 

This is a great time to advertise your club! A few ideas . . . 
– Contact local newspapers such as “Sun Current,” offering a picture of club members and a few lines highlighting an achievement. Emphasize the benefits of Toastmasters and what the experience has done for you and your club. 
– Overhaul or complete your FreeToastHost Club Website. There are many articles on Toastmasters.org to assist you in doing so. Search here: FreeToastHost Websites.
– Develop and present a focused benefit of your club as it is unique to other clubs. Poll your club members for their experiences.
– Advertise on local billboards, e.g., chambers, libraries, grocery stores, houses of worship, coffee shops. Posting small and hand-crafted notices get attention.
– Log onto Social Media and invite, invite! Personal contacts are the most effective of all, so copy and paste in your email but personalize each one.
– Wear your Toastmasters achievement pins.
– Polish that elevator speech.

Help your club become a positive magnet for prospective members!

Deb Luu

Deb Luu, DTM

2021-2022 District 6 Director