Supporting Your Success

My fellow Toastmasters, some of you are in one club, while some of you, like me, are in multiple clubs. Some of you are in a community club (all my clubs are community clubs), while some are in a corporate club, and some are in both! Whichever of those descriptions fits you, we all seek the right formula for our success and the success of our clubs. In the efforts of one of my clubs to make our club growth activities more successful, we recently changed the club’s name. The previous name, System Masters, came from the club’s founding in the mid-1980s as a corporate club. As the club has been a community club since long before any of the current members joined, we were not sure how that name fit our image. We decided on a new name (and it’s official on!): SUCCESS MASTERS. We invite fellow Toastmasters and guests to collaborate with us in supporting each other’s success.

In my own Toastmasters journey, I have experienced so many of our service-oriented members continually paying forward and giving back to support each other’s success. With gratitude, I wish to embody a similar spirit of service by supporting the specific steps of your success in ways that the following:

  • Recommending clubs, you may visit and consider joining as a dual member
  • Recommending clubs to guests who may no longer be able to engage your club due to their schedule changes
  • Answering your questions about Pathways, from Base Camp button-clicking to matching the projects with your passions
  • Connecting you with speech contest organizers about contest roles (Contest participation, whether as a contestant or as a helper, is a valuable addition to the growth of your communication and leadership skills as well as to the visibility of your club!)
  • Helping your understanding of the jargon and geography of the broader Toastmasters organization

In summary, I would be pleased to support your success.

With best wishes,

Paul Lubinski, DTM
Area 51 Director
Vice President Education for: Success Masters, Gopher Toastmasters, Humor Mill Toastmasters, and Pathways to Success Toastmasters