Use a Club Newsletters to Inform and Impress

We live in an era of emails and electronic newsletters. Newsletters are everywhere, published in various forms, by businesses of all kinds. More so now than ever before. Looks like even some Toastmasters clubs have joined the fray and are putting out newsletters of their own.

According to Toastmasters International, “Good newsletters can inspire and motivate members, create energy between meetings, and keep your club connected.”

Are you wondering if a club newsletter is right for YOUR club?

I have some answers for you!

A club newsletter, at its core, is news about the club. As a Toastmasters club, your club meets periodically, your members make educational progress and reach milestones, you will acquire new members, and some of your members may even score notable achievements outside the club. There are all kinds of news, on a regular basis, about your club. The question arises: How do you leverage all this vivacity of your club in maintaining continual engagement from your members and guests alike? You know that is what it takes for a club to thrive.

A club newsletter is a really potent tool that you can wield in recognizing members and attracting new members.

You can share the club newsletter with your club members and guests at a minimum. You can also post your club newsletter on your club website. Members can share the club newsletter electronically with friends and coworkers or even leave the newsletter in common workplace locations such as breakrooms and cafeterias.

A club newsletter does not have to be overly fancy. Toastmasters International has templates to help you put together a newsletter. The template can be found at:

If you have any questions about a club newsletter or promoting your club, please reach out to me.

Karrie Krear, DTM
2023-2024 Public Relations Manager