The Year of the Pivot

Since March of 2020, many of us have experienced major changes in our personal lives, work, and Toastmasters Journey. We have been bombarded by things we couldn’t do, and yet, we found ways to persevere. We demonstrated resilience in challenging times by learning new skills and how to work effectively in environments that were not what we were accustomed to. Many of us took the learning journey and learned Zoom and other online platforms which enabled us to work from home and continue our Toastmasters Journey. While learning new technologies is not always easy, navigating productively online became essential and many of us have become proficient which has enabled us to be a help to others in their learning journey. We demonstrated that we could rise above the circumstances around us and grow.

Two years later, we are writing a new chapter in our personal lives and in our Toastmasters Journey as we are living out our new normal. While there are still many things we can’t do, there are many things we can and must do. Why?

It has often been said that what we focus on will become our reality. If we focus on the things we can’t do, we will get stuck and lose the ground that we have worked so hard to gain. And yet, if we will focus on what we can do, it will be amazing what we can accomplish as optimism will become the fuel that drives us forward. Optimism will make way for HOPE and gratitude which will enable us to soar.

Focusing on what we can do will in some cases mean that we must pivot. Pivot from where we have been and move towards where we want to go.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary the word pivot means to make an adjustment or modification in order to adapt or improve. Those pivots will look different from person to person.

Many Toastmasters are eager to meet in person, and where appropriate and facilities are available, by all means please move towards that goal as there are tremendous benefits from meeting in person. Other Toastmasters prefer the convenience of being online and are welcome to continue doing so. At the same time, I truly believe the greatest membership building and rebuilding opportunity is in the hybrid space. By meeting in a hybrid environment, we tangibly demonstrate that there is a place at the table for everyone in Toastmasters. Like Zoom and other online platforms, moving towards hybrid meetings will be a learning journey, but one that I believe is well worth your time. Some clubs will be able to use video conferencing equipment that will be a dream to work with while other clubs can have a meaningful quality hybrid meeting with much leaner equipment requirements. If you are interested in learning how to conduct effective hybrid meetings, please do not hesitate in reaching out to me for more information.

There have also been Toastmasters who have held back in taking on leadership roles or have considered scaling back their involvement. I would encourage you that NOW is the Time to Accelerate. Move towards your goals. Re-engage with WHY you joined Toastmasters and see with fresh eyes how you can fulfill that WHY. I am committed to do what I can in partnering with the clubs of District 6 to help us finish the year as strong as we possibly can. I truly believe that the best days of District 6 are yet ahead. Let’s let this year be the Year of the Pivot where we focus and do what we can do and together we will be amazed at what we can accomplish!

Committed to Your Success,

Colleen Marie Kelly, DTM
D6 Club Growth Director