Think of Realizations

Happy New Year!  Fellow Toastmasters have you made your New Year’s Resolutions?    I have a great idea!  Instead of making resolutions, think of realizations.  Realize how far you have come and how far you want to go.  Realizing may be more meaningful than resolutions and you may have more successful outcomes.  I know it has made a huge difference in my new year!   


Deb Luu

Many Things Going on in District 6

There are so many things going on in District 6 that I would like to share:
1.  Online Club Officer Training through the end of February.  All are welcome.
If you are a club officer, I want to highly encourage you to attend club officer training.  Network with fellow club officers during the breakout sessions, get help with challenging situations and learn best practices to bring back to your club. Bring back other great information to your club on the Distinguished Club Plan, Pathways, and Moments of Truth!  Everything at club officer training is to empower you to lead a quality club that is providing value to all of your members.  You can find club officer training dates here.
2.   Online TLI (Toastmaster Leadership Institute) on February 6.  All are welcome, no charge.  Come not only to satisfy your club officer training requirement, but to listen and learn from some great presenters!. If you would like to be a presenter please click here and submit an application.   The TLI is a fantastic learning opportunity for all members! Note that if you are attending the TLI for club officer training, you will need to attend all 3 sessions in order to receive credit for the training.  Please register here.  Once the presenters have been determined you will be contacted to make your session choices. Stay tuned for announcements on the presenters and what their topics will be. 
3.  Upcoming club, area, and division speech contests (all virtual). Learn and grow your communication skills by participating in speech contests starting at the club level. Check for upcoming Area and Division contest dates at Calendar/Events. The District 6 website is a fantastic resource for all of the materials you need to hold a contest. You can find them at Speech Contests.
4.  “Rock Your Path!” I want to share with you a new segment in District 6 for Pathways. Jamie (Ogborn) Richter is the District 6 Pathways Chair and she has developed sessions called “Rock Your Path.” These are advertised on the calendar and in the Events section of this newsletter. Whether you are struggling in Pathways or are interested in learning more, this is a perfect opportunity. Empower yourself to be a better communicator and leader by learning more about Pathways! Hope to see you there!


5.  Help Wanted – Area Directors 2021-2022.  Take the next step in your leadership journey and become an area director.  This is the best job in the district!  In one year you can make a difference in the lives of so many others.  You will be learning and growing as a leader by serving the clubs in your area.  Please click here to find a detailed description of the area director role and apply.

I hope you will take these opportunities to empower your communication and leadership skills and take them to the next level!  The sky’s the limit!  Make this your best year ever in achieving your personal development goals and your Toastmaster goals.  If there is anything at all I can do to assist you please let me know. 