Time for a Renaissance

Happy New Year Fellow Toastmasters! Are you as excited as I am about the New Year? I hope so! It has been an extremely challenging year everywhere you go. Not only at Toastmasters but at work, at school, every place! I believe there will be a renaissance back to a new normal. For Toastmasters a new normal could mean different things: in-person meetings, hybrid meetings and online meetings. How will your club move forward so the members are moving forward as well? Some clubs have members that live outside of the District 6 boundaries in different states, even in different countries. While we have been empowered to learn new skills from meeting online, many of you are looking forward to meeting in person again. Others have found online meetings to fit in with their lifestyle. Something in the middle may just be the answer and keep everyone happy! Hybrid meetings! It’s a win win for both sides! Every member in your club should have a vote on what the club decides is the best way to move forward. Embrace the decision and plan for success. Success begins with the member, then the club, area, division and finally district. Set high goals and you will reach them. It’s the year of the Renaissance! Be a part of this!

It’s also a very busy time of year for District 6 leadership. District officer training, club officer training, working on the District Success Plan and the district budget. Everything we do is to support the district mission and the members. I am honored to serve as the District Director this year. I have a fantastic team of leaders that are passionate about serving you, the member – striving for excellence, capturing the opportunities presented before us throughout the year. 

Every single member in District 6 Toastmasters is valued. I am grateful for each and every one of you and want to make sure you are receiving value for your membership. District 6’s theme for the year is “Empowering the Best in YOU!” 

I hope you will feel empowered to reach your goals whatever they may be. Please let me know how I can help you.

With Gratitude,


Deb Luu

Deb Luu, DTM

2021-2022 District 6 Director