Tips for using our Toastmasters Websites

I hope that you are taking the time to click on event features within this newsletter. In addition to using our eNews, becoming familiar with navigating both our District 6 website,, and our International website,,  for information apart from Pathways, can greatly enrich your Toastmasters journey.

Our Website
You do not need to set up an account on, as you do on the International website.

Sliders: You will find our most current events featured as main announcements in sliders on the home page, and you can simply click on a slider to find out more information or register.

Calendar: To find any event, either click on the slider box, or click on the Events tab, then Calendar. Helpful instructions are at the top, including how to start your search by clicking on Category. The drop-down will isolate events, e.g., Speech Contest, District Event, Pathways, Club Officer Training

If you do not want to click on individual dates during a month, I find it most helpful to click on List View.

Home Page: Get back to the home page at any time while in by clicking on the Toastmasters Logo!

Search: A search feature is in process of being developed on our website. Our District Director, Susan Rajbhandari, and Past District Director Ravi Rai have worked tirelessly on building the new website, and it is looking fabulous. You must check it out! Website
The International website also has the same click on Logo feature to get back to the home page.

Toastmasters Magazine: If you have been missing your Toastmasters Magazine, check it out online on the website. Simply click on the current issue at the bottom of the Home Page.

Exiting Pathways: Note that when you are in Pathways, when you exit you also need to exit the TI home page in order to completely log out of the website. Many have tried to exit or get back to the home page without success. Clicking on the Home tab, then the word Home will only get you to the Pathways home page. Look for the Settings button in the upper right corner of your Pathways webpage. Click on Settings, then on Log Out. That will bring you back to the TI home page where you will be able to Log Out completely.

Sometimes navigating websites are challenging, but I have been very thankful that we have been able to use our computers to sustain virtual contact during the pandemic, and even meet people from around the world. Let’s be grateful for technology!

About the Author:

Cathi Droz, DTM is the District 6 Newsletter Editor for the Toastmasters Program year 2020 – 2021. She is also the President of Spartan Speakers Club.