Why Not Me?

Greetings Fellow Toastmasters!  

We have 6 months left in this Toastmasters year. Have you revisited your goals? Are you making any progress on them? I hope you are! Perhaps you have new goals. I hope one of your goals is to be a better communicator and leader. I would love to help you with that goal.  

When I first joined Toastmasters, my why was to become a better presenter. Before my first year was up, I was asked to serve as a club officer. And I said yes. I was on my way of learning and growing as a leader at the first level of Toastmasters leadership. During the third year of my Toastmasters journey, I was asked to serve as an Area Director. I said yes, thinking to myself that this will be it. I went to all of the District leader trainings and visited my clubs as needed. Keep in mind that this was when we visited in person. My clubs were in Eden Prairie and Minnetonka. As needed does not mean the bare minimum. Instead, it was in a way the clubs needed me to serve in any capacity – to give a speech, be the Chief Judge for their club speech contests, attending their year-end party and giving out awards. This is where I fell in love with servant leadership. I loved serving my clubs so much that I didn’t want my role to be done at the end of the Toastmasters year. I said yes to becoming Division Director and then yes to serving as the District 6 Logistics Manager for two years and the District 6 Administration Manager for 2 years. 

Now what? I thought long and hard about this. And then I said “Why not me?” to serving as the District 6 Club Growth Director. I am asking you to serve District 6 Toastmasters whether it be as a club officer, an Area Director, a Division Director or even the Club Growth Director. If you have been a club officer for more than one year, step out of your club, step out of your comfort zone and serve as an Area Director (Applications are on the District 6 website Here).  

Does it take time? Yes, it does. All these years I have worked a full-time job and made time for Toastmasters. You will learn and grow as a communicator and a leader. After all, Toastmasters is Where Leaders are Made. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine yourself as an Area Director, a Division Director or Club Growth Director and say “Why Not Me?” 

With Gratitude, 


Deb Luu

Deborah Luu, DTM
2022-23 D6 District Director