What Do We Want to Learn Together?

Fellow Toastmasters, I look forward to learning from each other about our Pathways experience all throughout this year, especially at our February 8th TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute).  I encourage everyone to attend.  Whether or not you can attend, I welcome your responses to lubinski3nm@yahoo.com, tm.paul.lubinski@gmail.com, or 317-224-7950 to any of these questions:

  1. What challenges do you or your club members face with Pathways engagement?
  2. What challenges do you or your members face with leveraging the benefits of projects in Level 2 and higher? (Recall that completion of at least Level 2 is a requirement for International speech contestant eligibility)
  3. Which specific features of the updated learning management system do you want to learn more about?

I would appreciate feedback on the first or second question especially if you believe the issues contribute to club meetings with no speeches, meetings with speeches given without education recognition, or constrained progress or engagement after working on the Level 1 fundamentals.

Regarding the third question, recent Club Officer Training sessions have kept me energized about what we are learning together.  For example, I was excited to hear about members’ use of the evaluator assignment utility in Base Camp, where the speaker gives the evaluator direct access to the online feedback form.

I look forward to continued support of your learning success.

Paul Lubinski, DTM
2024-25 District 6 Pathways Chair

