Districts train club officers twice per year. First round of training occurs between June 1 and August 31 and the second round of training occurs between November 1 and February 28. Clubs with officers attending Training receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program. In order for clubs to receive credit, the attendance must be recorded in the training information online at District Central under the Club Officer Training Report. The attendance in District 6 is recorded by our respective Division Directors. The training attendance information of club officers should be recorded online by October 31st for June through August training period and May 31st for November through February training period.

Club Officer Training Materials

Club leaders are best served by consistent, professional training that supports the brand, enhances member experience, and helps them grow as leaders. 
The materials provided by Toastmasters International are the standard of quality and consistency that make up the core of our district-sponsored club officer training. 

Round 2 Training Materials

More information to come soon.

Round 1 Training Materials


Learn about the role of a Club President.

VP Education

Find out more about the role of a Club Vice President of Education (VPE).

VP Membership

Learn more about the role of a Club Vice President of Membership (VPM).

VP Public Relations

See more about the role of the Club Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR).


See more about the role of a Club Treasurer.


Find out more about the role of a Club Secretary.

Sergeant At Arms

Learn more about the role of a Club Sergeant At Arms (SAA).

Immediate Past President

Learn more about the role of an Immediate Past President.

Do you have questions?

Click on the icon above to send your question to our Program Quality Director for assistance related to Club Officer Training.