Think of Realizations
Happy New Year! Fellow Toastmasters have you made your New Year’s Resolutions? I have a great idea! Instead of making resolutions, think of realizations. Realize how far you have come and how far you want to go. Realizing may be more meaningful than resolutions and you may have more successful outcomes. I know it has made a huge difference in my new year!
Many Things Going on in District 6
- Online Club Officer Training
- Online Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)
- Upcoming Club, Area, and Division Speech Contests (all virtual)
- "Rock Your Path"
- Help Wanted - Area Directors 2021 - 2022
5. Help Wanted – Area Directors 2021-2022. Take the next step in your leadership journey and become an area director. This is the best job in the district! In one year you can make a difference in the lives of so many others. You will be learning and growing as a leader by serving the clubs in your area. Please click here to find a detailed description of the area director role and apply.