Club Ambassador Program
The Club Ambassador Program
The Club Ambassador Program is a new initiative in District 6. It fosters the growth of both individual Toastmasters and clubs by encouraging members to visit other clubs within District 6.
For individuals, visiting other clubs provides an opportunity to explore other Toastmasters environments and gain new experiences and speaking opportunities. For clubs, hosting a club ambassador can energize meetings and generate new ideas and viewpoints with its own members.
The Club Ambassadors who make the most visits will be recognized at a District event and awarded a selection from the Toastmasters store.

The Club Ambassador Program is an optional program that districts can implement to help grow member confidence and club strength by encouraging members to visit and participate in clubs outside of their own. The 2022-2023 Toastmaster year is the first year for the Club Ambassador program in District 6.
For individuals, visiting other clubs provides an opportunity to explore other Toastmasters environments and gain new experiences and speaking opportunities. For clubs, hosting a Club Ambassador can energize meetings and share new ideas and viewpoints with its own members.
The member decides they want to be a Club Ambassador and chooses a club to visit. The member then contacts the club and arranges the visit. The Club Ambassador should make a comment at the end of the meeting and may fill a meeting role if there is room on the agenda. Club visits can be in person or on-line depending on the format of the club you visit.
After the visit, the Club Ambassador will submit a report of their visit. It will include observations of things that were done well and potentials for club improvement. Feedback will be shared with the club so the club may improve their meetings. The Ambassador can take ideas they get from their visit back to their own club to improve the Ambassador’s home club as well!
Benefits for the Club Ambassador
- Gain confidence from speaking in front of an unfamiliar audience.
- Expand your Toastmaster experience by meeting new Toastmasters and seeing how a different club runs their meetings.
- Get new ideas to bring back to your home club
Benefits for the Host Club
- Energize your club by having a visitor who is an experienced Toastmaster.
- Get feedback from an experienced Toastmaster on your club experience.
- Have a meeting role or speaker role filled by visiting Club Ambassador.
- Exchange ideas to learn something new.
Members in good standing (your dues are paid) of clubs in District 6 are eligible to be Club Ambassadors.
If you are new to Toastmasters, it is suggested you wait until you have been with your club for at least 6 months.
Area and Division Directors will not get Club Ambassador credit for visiting clubs within their Area or Division respectively.
- Select a club to visit- You can visit any open club in District 6. Use the find a club feature on Toastmaster International website to find a club that meets at a time, date, and place that works for you. Your club President or Area Director might be able to offer some suggestions as well. You may only get Club Ambassador Program credit for one visit from each club per program year.
- Contact the club to arrange your visit- Find club contact information on the club website. Confirm meeting time and place or on-line meeting link. Tell them you are visiting as part of the Club Ambassador program. Ask for 1-2 minutes at the end of the meeting to talk about your experience and the Club Ambassador Program. Offer to take a meeting role or even speak if they need help filling their agenda.
- Complete your Club Visit Report- Return to the Club Ambassador Program page on the District 6 website and fill out the on-line Club Ambassador Visit form. When submitted, your visit will be registered, and your feedback will be given to the club you visited.
Return to the Club Ambassador page on District 6 website and fill out the on-line Club Ambassador Visit form. When submitted, your visit will be registered, and your feedback will be given to the club you visited.
The form will be a fillable form with answers sent to the Club Growth Director and Club Ambassador Chair. They will forward the response to the club.
Please give us your feedback for the clubs you visited between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
To earn credit for a club visit, Ambassadors must submit a report within 7 days of their visit.