The Law of Attraction
“Whether we are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, every second of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending out our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have put out.”
I believe in the Law of Attraction when it comes to Toastmasters. Everyone is at an event for a reason. Keep them coming back!
When we give a speech we are teaching members and guests. When we participate in Table Topics, we are improving that “Elevator Speech.” Contests, membership campaigns, officer training, the Distinguished Club Program, you name it. Everything about Toastmasters should be attracting members and guests to engage.
The Distinguished Club Program Dashboard is looking SPECTACULAR!!
As of this writing, 529 Pathway Levels have been completed! GREAT JOB, EVERYBODY! Plenty of time for MANY more!
Does everyone remember posting about Toastmasters the old-fashioned way on paper? Putting up posts at malls, libraries, and grocery stores. How about putting circulars in the office? Why can’t we do that again? I offered this as a suggestion at Winter TLI and in a speech about ‘Talk Up Toastmasters’ with the club PRomote the Possibilities.
Joining and posting on D6’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages helps to disseminate club information. Keeps us all connected as well.
Keep those Renewal Forms coming in! Almost 73% of clubs have Renewals in.
Now is the time to GUARANTEE that your clubs have at least five DCP points. Seven or nine would be even better. There is still plenty of time to give those speeches, complete those projects, and turn those guests into members. Over 55 clubs have 4 or more points!
Please reach out if you have questions or need assistance with the DCP!
We are all in this together, we are all Distinguished, your clubs have all worked hard this year, and the District will be rewarded by being Distinguished, too! Keep an eye on the Dashboard! Let’s rack up the points! We Can Do This!

Monica Radtke
Relations Manager and DCP Chair