Speech Contests

Speech contests are a Toastmasters tradition. Competition begins with club contests, and winners continue competing through the Area, Division and District levels. Winners of the District level International Speech Contest proceed to the region quarterfinal level. Following region quarterfinals, winners advance to the semifinals for a chance to take part in the World Championship of Public Speaking®. 

2024-25 District 6 Contests

International Speech Contest

Contestants present a five- to seven- minute speech on any subject they choose.

Click the icon for the International Speech Contest Kit

Speech Evaluation Contest

The Evaluation Contest features a 2 to 3 minutes evaluation of a target speaker. The target speaker gives a speech which all the evaluation contestants are to evaluate. The contestants are taken from the room and given five minutes to prepare their speeches and make notes. Click the icon for the Evaluation Contest Kit

2024 Online Speech Contest

Speech Contest Materials

Below you will find some helpful links and download some materials you could utilize to conduct speech contests.

Speech Contest Rulebook

The Speech Contest Rulebook, in effect from
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, features speech contest rules for the International, Evaluation, Humorous, Table Topics, Tall Tales,
and Video Speech Contests.

Speech Contest Rulebook Changes

Find out how the Speech Contest Rulebook has changed and why each change was made.

Speech Contest Judges Training and Other Tutorials

The Judges Training Module below was created by Toastmasters International and should be reviewed by all Judges even ones who have been a judge before. The videos below reference the International Speech Contest and yet, the principles can be applied to any Speech Contest.

Speech Contest Scripts

Utilize the following updated scripts for 2024-25 in person Evaluation and International speech contests:

In-person Chief Judge briefing script updated 3-18-25

In-person Contest script updated 3-18-25

old: 2023-24 Speech Contest Script – Updated 03-06-2024

Speech Contest Guide

Use this guide to help you plan a successful speech contest.

Speech Contest Checklist

Utilize this checklist to keep track of volunteers, contestants and tasks to be completed along with a sample agenda.

Area & Division Speech Contest Scheduling Guidelines

Area & Division Directors – please review these guidelines prior to scheduling your speech contests.

Judge Selection for Area & Division Speech Contests

Click Here to Review the Guidelines for Selecting Judges for the Area & Division Speech Contests.

Judge's Certification of Eligibility and Code of Ethics

All judges must complete this form before the contest and submit it to the chief judge at each level of competition.

Judges Email Template

Utilize a sample email template for Chief Judges to use to communicate with the judges prior to contests.

Chief Judge's Briefing Script (Eval & International) In Person updated 3/18/25

Utilize this script for the briefing of Timers, Ballot Counters, Judges, and the Tie-Breaking Judge while conducting Evaluation and International speech contests

Chief Judge's Briefing Script

Utilize this script for the briefing of Timers, Ballot Counters, Judges, and the Tie-Breaking Judge.

Contest Toastmaster Script In person - updated 3/18/25

Utilize this script while serving as Contest Toastmaster.

Judges Training

Below is a Judges Training Module that was created by Toastmasters International and should be reviewed by all Judges even ones who have been a judge before.

Speaker's Certification of Eligibility and Originality

All contestants must complete this form before the contest and submit it to chief judge at each level of competition.

Speech Contestant Profile

All contestants, please return this biographical information before the contest to the contest chair if you are participating in a speech contest.

International Contest Ballot

Utilize this International contest ballot and guide.

International Contest Tie Breaker Ballot

Utilize this International contest tie breaker ballot and guide.

Speech Evaluation Contest Ballot

Utilize this Speech Evaluation contest ballot and guide.

Speech Evaluation Contest Tie Breaker Ballot

Utilize this Speech Evaluation contest tie breaker ballot and guide.

Time Record Sheet

Speech contest time record sheet and instructions for timers. Explains the timing procedure and includes a chart for speech contest timers to complete.

Ballot Counter's Tally Sheet

Ballot counters to give this completed tally sheet to the chief judge.

Online Timers

Feel free to use these timer links to assist in timing of the speeches in the speech contests.

Speech Contest Certificate Set

For presentation to the winners and participants of club, area, division, district and regional contests.

Notification of Contest Winner

Enter the winners from your contest and submit this form to the chair of the next level contest.

Speech Contests FAQ

Find out answers to some frequently asked questions regarding speech contests.

Online Speech Contests

For the first time, Toastmasters International is conducting online speech contests. Please refer to the new rulebook for details

The Online Speech Contest enables members to practice public speaking and content development in a competitive setting using an online platform. The topic and purpose of each speech is determined by the speaker. Every speech should fit within the overall purpose of the contest: To clearly develop and present ideas in a substantially original speech.

The division contest dates are as follows:

  • Oct 5, 2024: Division D & F online contest
  • Oct 12, 2024: Division A & E online contest
  • Oct 19, 2024: Division B & C online contest
  • Spring conference: District 6 Online contest
The Online Speech Contest follows all rules outlined in the General Rules section of this rulebook. In addition, the following additions and exceptions apply.

Important deadlines

  • August 19th Clubs let area and Division director know they are having a contest or sending a contestant.
  • Sept 28th Club Contests Completed
  • Week before Division Contests:  Area Contests

Highlights of Online speech contest

  • All contestants and contest officials are participating online from physically distant locations
  • Eligibility (similar to all contests)
  • Each contestant is a paid member
  • Contestant’s club is in good standing
  • Contestant is not running for an office or are not in district leader position
  • All Judges at club level are paid members
  • All Judges at area/division/district contests are paid members for minimum 6 months, have Level 1 & 2 completed,
  • Speech time & cards: Green (5), Yellow (6), Red (7)
  • For contestant’s technical difficulty (audio and video), 10 minutes adjustment is allowed. see details in rulebook
    External voting system is prohibited
  • What is the difference between the online speech contest and International speech contest?
    • For the International Speech Contest L1 & L2 are required.
    • For the Online speech contest, there is no minimum educational requirements
  • Click on the buttons below to access the forms or the rulebook

Best Practices for Online Speech Contests

Find tips and information for the logistics of your contest.

Video Recording Guidelines
for Online Speech Contests

Find helpful information on how to ensure all of your contestants comply with recording rules.

World Championship of Public Speaking

For many amateur speakers, this competition is the opportunity of a lifetime.

Do you have questions?

Click on the icon above to send your question to our District Chief Judge and Program Quality Director for assistance related to Speech Contests.

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