The Platinum Rule

Happy Autumn, Fellow Toastmasters!


We have all heard of The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. Have you heard of the Platinum Rule? Do unto others as they wish you do to them. As we work together and build relationships, we must consider the other person’s perspective. Maybe it’s not the same as yours. What if they don’t want to be treated how you think they should be? We must take it a step further, consider their perspective, and treat them accordingly. Keep in mind the Toastmaster’s core values – integrity, respect, service, and excellence.


It’s been a busy year already! Creating the District Success Plan and the District 6 Budget, appointing Area Directors, being on the training team for Club Officer Training, attending District Leader Training and the Toastmasters International Convention, and preparing for the Fall District Council Meeting. At the District Council meeting, my appointment as District Director was confirmed.


I am honored to be able to serve the members of District 6 for another year. My vision for this year is to achieve member growth and leadership excellence for District 6. What does this mean? It’s all about the members. Achieving member growth (members are growing and learning, reaching their goals, as well as the membership of District 6 growing by building new clubs and adding new members to the existing clubs). Leadership excellence starts at the club level with all club officers being trained with relevant and timely information that will help them lead their club to excellence. Each level of leadership is learning how best to serve the members in District 6 so the member experience is excellent.


As I review the District 6 Dashboard I see clubs growing their membership and members completing Pathways awards. This year is already off to a great start. I truly believe that this is going to be an amazing year for District 6. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if I can help you in any way!


With gratitude,




Deb Luu

Deborah Luu, DTM
2022-23 D6 District Director