The Power of Positive Forward Momentum

Do you remember Isaac Newton and the apple tree?  Isaac Newton is recognized as one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists as well as one of the most influential scientists of all time.  He is credited for a number of laws of physics that are highly esteemed to this day.  One of those laws is his Law of Motion which states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts upon it, and a body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force. ( 


While that law can be applied to many things, I believe we can clearly see its application when discussing groups.  Groups that do nothing tend to stay where they are or sadly dissolve.  Conversely, groups that have a strong sense of identity and purpose are intentional in their efforts to learn and grow.  While they recognize the headwinds that may face them, they focus on what they can do not on what they can’t.  They see and seize the opportunities that will help them fulfill their purpose in a greater way.  These efforts result in strength and positive forward momentum which is a powerful force.  Things that once took a significant amount of time and effort are able to be done with greater ease and efficiency. 


Like any group, Toastmasters Clubs will have their share of obstacles or setbacks, and yet, when a club knows who they are, why they exist, who their target audience is, and are intentional in their efforts to help their club to thrive, they are much more able to weather the storms that come their way as they will have developed a positive forward momentum that will help them to become all that they can be. 


Over the past couple of years, I have seen many clubs that even though they faced unexpected obstacles and setbacks, they took the steps necessary to persevere.  They not only persevered, but they are growing in new ways I see positive forward momentum building all across the District I see clubs reaping the benefits of intentionally pressing forward and identifying ways to help their clubs to thrive when it would have been much easier to just give up. 


I truly believe that the BEST IS YET AHEAD as we keep doing what we can to help our clubs to grow and to thrive.  I believe with all my heart that this is a COME BACK Year, but it will take all of us doing our part to see the positive forward momentum grow.  Momentum in upleveling the Member Experience.  Momentum in helping our clubs to grow and to thrive.  Momentum in fortifying our sense of community within our Clubs, Areas. Divisions, and the District as a whole.   

I believe that together, this can be One of Our Best Years Yet! 


Will YOU Step into The Power of Positive Forward Momentum? 


Committed to Your Success, 


Colleen Marie 

Colleen Marie Kelly, DTM

2022-2023 Program Quality Director